Is there a different way we can care for Burleigh?
Burleigh is a place teeming with small businesses. Most small business owners heavily invest their time, money and energy into bringing a vision to life. Furthermore, this investment carries no guarantee of success. Peers of small business owners are often the same people in they are in competition with, leaving the small business owner lacking a good source of support. In addition, when sickness, bereavement or dysfunction impacts them or their team, the bottom line takes a hit. This got us thinking, “What if a church could take its ability to care to small businesses in Burleigh?”
Bringing support to small business
Burleigh’s small businesses play an important role in shaping Burleigh’s culture. They also have a significant effect on how the community feels. Combine this with the challenges small business owners experience in receiving support, we recognised that the church can help provide pastoral support that translates to personal growth and economic gain. Ultimately, the health of businesses is a result of the health of the people working in them and on them. With this, we began approaching small businesses in Burleigh to ask them if we could help.
Small Business Support starts taking shape
To our (pleasant) surprise, some of Burleigh’s small businesses said yes! On top of that, some small businesses are finding ways that they can support the Burleigh community. How great is that! Our journey so far has seen us helping businesses in the retail and hospitality industries. We’re hopeful that Small Business Support will expand into other industries as opportunities arise. We are learning that the ways we work with and help each small business looks a little different each time. Given each small business has a distinct purpose and different team of people, this makes sense!
Would Small Business Support help you?
We would love to help you or someone you know who’s in small business in Burleigh. Drop us a line to start the conversation!